A Good Choice for Investment

A Good Choice for Investment

Located at a convenient distance from Ontario’s more populous areas, Brantford, fondly called the “Telephone City” in honor of its most famous resident, Alexander Graham Bell, presents a smart choice for real estate investment. Real estate in Brantford Ontario is further boosted by its impressive number of schools, colleges and universities. Brantford’s overlooking the beautiful Brant Conservation Area means that outdoor activities such as camping, golfing and hiking can be enjoyed – a big plus for families in the city who are looking to relocate to a quieter part of town in which to raise kids. Apart from this, Brantford is famous for its entertainment business, being home to performing theatres and other attractions. All of these make for excellent reasons to consider investing in real estate in Brantford Ontario.

Recent Boom in Real Estate Growth

Brantford’s manufacturing industry has played a major role in its real estate industry growth, in recent years, with the city’s manufacturing units upscaling their existing operations in a big way. Besides manufacturing, however, another expansion has been responsible for the boom in real estate in the downtown area, namely that of the city’s post-secondary institutions. With a four-fold increase in the universities’ number of students, the rise in potential tenants has done wonders for real estate in Brantford Ontario. Brantford’s affordability has also accounted for a large number of out-of-towners moving to this city, as more people realize that they can get more value for their money by investing in Brantford’s real estate.

Deciding Where to Buy in Brantford

From a real estate point of view, the city of Brantford is divided into fifteen neighborhoods, each varying in terms of real estate value, by virtue of type of home, amenities, educational facilities and so on. The University area is cited as one of the soundest investment areas in Brantford, with its high influx of student-tenants year on year. Property owners can easily reap financial rewards by purchasing homes in the University area and renting them out to students. While townhouses and condominiums remain a popular choice of home in the market, the real estate industry is also seeing a rise in the demand for apartments, thanks to the massive growth in its number of post-secondary university students.

Real estate in Brantford Ontario is now widely seen as an investment hotspot. At just an hour’s drive from Toronto, this erstwhile hidden gem with its diverse people groups, booming industry, great transportation links, and old Southern charm is all set to attract residents and investors alike. If you’re fed up of the housing prices in Toronto, or are looking to begin a new business in the area, or simply want to pack up and move to a nicer place to raise your family, then Brantford is the place to be!

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